Goodbye 2020. Welcome 2021!

Wow oh wow. It’s 2021!

Assalamualaikum/Hello everyone. Everyone knows how crazy of a year 2020 was and it’s really easy to list all the bad things of it. But there were many good things about 2020. It reminded us of how many blessings we take for granted, and how everything we have can go in one second.

I remember in January last year (can’t believe its been a whole year since then), where me and my cousin were recording a video. It was a video that we did just for our selves (to watch years later), and I said at the end of the video something around the lines of: I wonder how much would change in 2030 (10 years time) and boy was I in for a ride. I had no idea (we all did) about how much would change in just a couple of months from then. Almost everything. Of course there were ups and downs (like every year) but 2020 was really different (and I’m sure most people would agree).
But with that all being said, we should say Alhamdulillah (“praise be to Allah”)! Alhamdulillah, for He (swt) has allowed us to survive such a year and come out as better people and Muslims (iA).

I cannot wait for what 2021 has for us. The adventures, the highs, the lows and all in between.
Insha’Allah He allows us to conquer this year (better than the last), allows us to achieve great things, and allows us to become better people and better Muslims, Ameen!

Two posts within two weeks, omg mA! Well technically my last post was last year xD.
I cant believe how fast and slow 2020 has gone. For example, Covid feels like its been here for ages whereas 2020 feels like it just began. crazy. What are your goals for 2021? What are you looking forward too (and what are you not)? Let me know in the comments below!
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Jzk for spending some of your time here and I’ll see you in the next one.

3 thoughts on “Goodbye 2020. Welcome 2021!

  1. D

    Ameen. Honestly this is so true. I mean 2020 was just unexpected after unexpected but alhamdulilah we got through it and get to see 2021 I’m very interested to see what it brings lol.
    Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

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